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According to the NHS, research shows that more than 944,000 people in the UK have dementia, rising to 1 million people by 2030 because of longer life expectancy. We are marking Dementia Action Week at the Virtual Village Hall with a programme of sessions designed to support people living with and affected by dementia.

To launch the week, Dr Laura Booi, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Dementia Research at Leeds Beckett University, will present latest research on brain health and dementia risk factors. Dementia Carers Count, the family carers’ charity, will be sharing advice, support and resources for families living with dementia, and there will be gentle, dementia-friendly seated exercise and craft sessions to try. Dr Amir Khan, GP, medical broadcaster and best-selling author will close the week with a live Q&A, answering viewers’ questions about symptoms and diagnosis, treatment and support.

DAW 24 Dementia Friendly Pilates April Moon Istock 1308292203 (1)

Dementia-friendly Pilates

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

An elderly lady doing ballet in a ballet studio holding onto the bar with support from another woman

Silver Swans® ballet for Dementia

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

DAW 24: Caring for someone with dementia - Dementia Carer's Count - Istock 1576851402

Caring for someone with Dementia

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

A woman sat on a green yoga mat cross legged and stretching her hands forward

Dementia-friendly mindful mobility Pilates

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

DAW 24 Guided relaxation - Fiona Kyle - Istock 1717121461

Dementia-friendly Guided relaxation

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

DAW 24 Dementia friendly SitFit - Frances Rayner - Istock 467598093

Dementia-friendly SitFit

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

DAW 24 Dementia friendly yoga - Dave Rennie - Istock 1803004450

Dementia-friendly Yoga

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

Dr Amir Khan

Ask me anything about dementia

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

Indoor Allotment Regan Hirst Image

Dementia-friendly Indoor Allotment

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

Dr Laura Booi

Brain Health & Dementia Risk Reduction

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024

DAW 24 - RVS Dementia Support Session - Istock 1356377377

RVS Dementia Service users share their stories

Part of Dementia Action Week 2024