How to be more resilient in challenging times
Tutor: Kiaran Weil
Join meditation leader Kiaran for a gentle resilience class for challenging times. The session focuses on what resilience is, how to develop it, how to be more compassionate, and how it is key for our wellbeing and that of others, and ends with a short meditation.
Kiaran is an NHS Volunteer Responder who makes Check In & Chat calls to people at risk of loneliness and is a Steward Volunteer for the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
Video time
60 minutes
- A notebook and pen
See more from the Volunteer Takeover 2021
Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June 2021) is an annual UK-wide celebration of the contribution that millions of wonderful people make through volunteering. To mark the week, we handed over the keys to the Virtual Village Hall to volunteers and NHS Volunteer Responders to showcase their fantastic skills and talents.