Dance class
Tutor: Beth Crowder
Join dance teacher Beth for a fun dance class for all ages and abilities. After a warm up, Beth leads a fun disco dance routine that can be adapted for all levels, ending with a cool down and stretch.
Beth is an NHS Volunteer Responder who makes Check In & Chat calls to people at risk of loneliness.
This session was part of the Volunteers' Week Volunteer Takeover special event at the Virtual Village Hall. If you enjoyed this session, visit Exercise & Dance for similar content.
Make sure you have plenty of space, clear any potential hazards, wear comfortable clothing and shoes
Video time
45 minutes
- Plenty of space to move
- Comfortable clothing and shoes
- Water
See more from the Volunteer Takeover 2021
Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June 2021) is an annual UK-wide celebration of the contribution that millions of wonderful people make through volunteering. To mark the week, we handed over the keys to the Virtual Village Hall to volunteers and NHS Volunteer Responders to showcase their fantastic skills and talents.