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Tutor: Frances Rayner, Fitness & wellbeing coach for midlife

Join Fitness & Wellbeing Coach, Frances Rayner, for this chair-based workout for beginners. Develop muscle mass, improve balance and coordination, strengthen bones and improve brain health with this easy-to-follow seated exercise routine, designed for those struggling with their mobility.


Place an upright chair in plenty of space.

Video time

32 minutes

Mindspace Week 2022: SitFit | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

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  • A sturdy chair (not an armchair)
  • A cushion
  • A resistance band (workout can also be done without the band)

Want to see more?

This session is part of an ongoing series. You can join in LIVE with Frances every Thursday at 12:30PM. Alternatively, you can find a playlist of all Frances' previous sessions on our YouTube channel

Frances Rayner Image 1

See more from Mindspace Week 2022

Mindspace Week explored the NHS 5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing, with a full programme of caring content, from coaching sessions on managing stress and making social connections, to yoga, meditation, gentle exercise and cooking.

a woman sat cross legged on the living room floor and meditating