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Make time to realign your posture: The Egoscue Method

Tutor: Jo Andrews

Is working from home or carrying a child on your hip a pain in the neck? Do you spend most of your day in a fixed position? Would you like to improve your posture? Whatever your situation, if you experience aches and pains, give yourself a 20 minute Lunchtime Posture Reset with Postural Alignment Specialist and fitness instructor, Jo Andrews. Jo guides us through the Egoscue Method to straighten us up, change our habits and get our body moving as it was designed to. Through a series of simple realignment exercises, Jo helps us step into our afternoon more balanced, both posturally and mentally. Suitable for all ages and abilities (it’s not a workout!).

Video time

35 minutes

Make Time to Realign your Posture 78 with Jo Andrews

Make Time To Realign
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  • A pillow or cushion
  • A chair
  • A dressing gown strap or yoga strap

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Want to see more?

This session is part of an ongoing series. You can join in LIVE with Jo every Wednesday at 11AM. Alternatively, you can find a playlist of all Jo's previous sessions on our YouTube channel

Jo Andrews Original Image 2

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a woman sat cross legged on the living room floor and meditating