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International Women’s Day takes place every year on 8 March. We marked International Women’s Day at the Virtual Village Hall with two special sessions including the Domestic Dusters Project, a decade-long collaborative art project by UK textile artist and academic, Vanessa Marr, which invites women’s opinions on domesticity.

We hosted a fascinating conversation about Girls, Women and ADHD with expert speaker, Emma Weaver, Deputy CEO of ADHD Foundation – The Neurodiversity Charity. Emma explored female presentation of ADHD and how this may differ from male presentation. The session also focused on anxiety and how to support women and girls presenting with ADHD and co-occurring anxiety.

For more information about International Women’s Day, visit

A close up of a yellow household duster being embroidered with red thread as part of Vanessa Marr's Domestic Dusters project

Domestic Dusters: Embroidering Experiences of Domesticity

Part of International Women's Day 2024