Print making: Print art

Tutor: Marged Owain, artist

In this print art session, print artist Marged guides viewers step by step through the process of art printing using recycled materials. She demonstrates the technique and different ways to adapt prints, such as accentuating the print using fine liner and adding additional details with stamps and biro.

Preparation: Gather your print art materials and clear a space to work at. Use a cutting board or chopping board to protect your table. Be careful when using a craft or Stanley knife.

Activity time: Take as long as you need to create your pebble art.

Video time: 12 minutes


Materials and equipment you'll need to take part:

  • Acrylic paints or tester paints
  • Craft knife or Stanley knife (be careful!)
  • Pencil
  • Pen
  • Rolling pin (to apply pressure to the print, can be done by hand)
  • Cutting board to protect your table, chopping board will do
  • Ruler
  • Old sponge
  • Plate or paint pallet
  • 2 x A5 pieces of cardboard
  • A4 paper




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