Watercolour monotypes
Tutor: Rachel Moore, print artist
Join print artist, Rachel, as she shows how to add colour to prints to create beautiful watercolour monotypes.
Monotypes are one of the easiest printmaking techniques and Rachel explains that you don’t need lots of expensive equipment to achieve great looking results.
Prepare your materials and find a sturdy table or floor to work on.
Video time
22 minutes
- A4 / A5 size sheet of Perspex or similar – not glass as we will be sanding it
- Medium grade sandpaper
- Watercolour or gouache paints
- Various sized watercolour paint brushes
- Paper minimum 100gsm
- A container filled with water which is large enough to immerse your paper
- A baren (tool for printmaking), metal tablespoon or heavy ceramic rolling pin
- Some interesting still life or your own sketches, drawings or images that you would like to turn into a monotype