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Stories of the Olympics

Tutor: Alison Mott, Author, book coach and writing teacher

Join Alison, author, book coach and writing teacher, in this Olympic-themed workshop. During the session, Alison invites listeners to jot down their thoughts, memories and stories about the Olympics What do you think of the Olympics? Have you ever been to one as an attendee, athlete or volunteer? Do you have a memory of watching the games on television, or perhaps seeing the Olympic torch as it travelled the UK on its journey to the London Olympics in 2012? What do you believe makes someone a true ‘champion’? Whatever your memory, story or thoughts on the Olympics, this relaxed session encourages you to take part in the world-famous games through creative writing!

Video time

60 minutes

Stories of the Olympics | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

a pile of writing books with a blue pencil resting on top on a wooden table with a green outdoor background
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  • Writing materials (pen and paper, laptop or ipad)
  • Voice recorder or mobile phone to record story snippets (optional)

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