Seated Pilates: Seated Pilates class
Tutor: Sam Stevenson, Pilates instructor
Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. This helps to improve general fitness and overall wellbeing. In this session, Pilates instructor Sam guides you through a gentle seated Pilates exercise programme. The exercises in this basic seated Pilates class will help with mobility, flexibility and strength. You will need a pillow and two tins of canned food to use as light weights.
Make sure you have plenty of space, clear any potential hazards and are wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. Use a sturdy, upright chair (not an armchair).
Video time
11 minutes
- A sturdy chair, not an armchair
- Space to stretch out and move
- Comfortable clothing and shoes/trainers
- A pillow
- Two tins of canned food e.g. soup, baked beans
- Water