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Photo collage decorations

Tutor: Rosie Johnson, sign writer, illustrator and artist

Join Rosie, self-taught sign writer, illustrator and artist, in this photo collage workshop. During the you will use recycled materials and pictures of family, friends or from magazines, and turn them into decorative collages. These tiny but beautiful pieces of art will bring colour and sparkle to walls, shelves or any other place in your home. A fun session that allows you to play with your imagination!


Find a comfortable space to work at a table or flat surface

Video time

60 minutes

Photo collage decorations | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

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  • small black and white print outs of friends or family (or magazine cut outs)
  • old cardboard boxes or clean metal tins e.g. matchboxes, tuna or anchovy tins
  • old magazines, newspapers or books
  • pens
  • glitter
  • Any other embellishments e.g. sequins


  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Masking tape