Old photo collage
Tutor: Rosie Johnson, sign writer, illustrator and artist
Join Rosie, a self-taught sign writer, illustrator and artist, in this fantastic workshop to transform old black and white photos. In this session you will take old family snaps that are locked away in an attic or hidden in your drawer and turn them into decorative collages using scraps of old paper. You can make your collages into unique greeting cards, framed art for your home, or as gifts for family and friends. Whether its photos of loved ones, vintage pictures from car boot sales or charity shops, or just pictures from a magazine, let your inner artist come out to play in this creative and colourful session!
Find a comfortable space to work at a table or flat surface.
Video time
60 minutes
- Black and white portrait photos (Rosie recommends originals or printed from the internet)
- Scraps of old paper
- Old books and magazines
- Card
- Pens and pencils
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Masking tape