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Moroccan beef kofta

Nadia Terry, FE teacher, Moroccan cooking and baking tutor

Join Nadia, Moroccan cooking and baking tutor, as she shares her passion for her native food culture. In this session Nadia shows you how to make the popular Moroccan street food, beef kofta, traditionally made with beef or lamb, but can be made with any meat of your choice. Serve it up with pitta bread, salads or as part of a buffet for a tasty summer meal. A surefire hit at family gatherings and BBQs!


Set out your ingredients, chop the coriander and parsley, chop the onions for the kofta

Video time

30 minutes

Moroccan beef kofta | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

Two grilled meat koftas on wooden board with tomatoes and herbs
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