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Milk bottle dry-point etching

Tutor: Rachel Moore, print artist and workshop tutor

Join Rachel, print artist and tutor, in this craft workshop on etching. Drypoint is an engraving method in which the design to be printed is scratched directly into a copperplate with a sharply pointed instrument. In this session print artist Rachel Moore will show you how to create a similar effect using a plastic milk bottle as a printing plate. A creative session suitable for anyone interested in engraving!

Video time

30 minutes

Milk bottle dry-point etching | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

a selection of etching tools
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  • A design (this can be fine lines or as simple as you like)
  • Clean and dry plastic milk bottle
  • Sharp pointed object to make scratches in the plastic such as an awl or pair of compasses
  • Intaglio ink in your choice of colour
  • Scrim or kitchen roll
  • Thick card stock


  • Large metal spoon
  • Old toothbrush
  • Scissors
  • Shallow container filled with cold water (bigger than the piece of card)