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Mexican-inspired foil decorations

Rosie Johnson, sign writer, illustrator and artist

Join Rosie, a self-taught sign writer, illustrator and artist, in this creative session inspired by the Mexican ‘Day of the Dead’! Using just household kitchen foil, you will make bright, colourful decorations to celebrate Halloween. Aimed at adults of all ages, here’s your chance to connect to your inner child in colouring, creating and making something just for fun!


Find a comfortable space to work at a table or flat surface

Video time

60 minutes

Mexican-inspired foil decorations | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

silver coloured lino printed pattern on black background depicting image of Frida Kahlo
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• Roll of kitchen foil
• Gel pen (preferably silver)
• Piece of cardboard
• Paper


• Pencil
• Colouring pens
• PVA glue
• String
• Tape
• Clean lolly stick (optional)