Handprinted reusable bowl covers
Tutor: Rachel Moore, print artist
Join print maker, Rachel, as she gives us two tutorials in one. First, Rachel shows us how to print our own fabric. Then, she shows us how to swap single use cling film and foil for handprinted reuseable bowl covers.
Prepare your materials and find a sturdy table or floor to work on.
Video time
33 minutes
- Fabric - to carry on the sustainable theme, you can reuse clean shirting, sheeting fabric or fabric remnants. The fabric needs to be enough for a circle measuring the diameter of your bowl plus 5cm - 7.5cm
- Wooden block - Suggested measurements 7.5cm x 5cm x 5cm but you can use a variety of sizes
- String
- Fabric paint - 1cm wide
- Elastic measuring the circumference of your bowl plus 3cm
- Pins
- Thread in a matching or contrasting colour to your fabric
- Fabric paint
- Sewing machine or sewing needle.