Embroidery hoop
Tutor: Georgina Bellamy, professional embroiderer
Georgina Bellamy (@thatembroiderygirl) is a professional couture embroiderer and embroidery teacher. In this session, which is designed for all levels of stitcher, including beginners, Georgina creates a simple embroidery hoop to stitch along with. She demonstrates how to draw a modern floral design with a stitched motto, highlighting close up how to make each stitch. This is one project not to rush – take your time and enjoy watching your design come to life.
Gather your materials and equipment
Video time
75 minutes (allow for additional time to pause the video to follow the instructions or to try out a technique)
- Air or water soluble pen
- Pencil and paper
- Big embroidery needle
- Fine linen or cotton fabric
- Pair of fine embroidery scissors
- Embroidery floss
- Small embroidery hoop - no bigger than 6 inches
- Your design!