Embossing paper and card
Tutor: Rachel Moore, print artist
Have you ever run your fingers over a beautifully embossed letterhead, wishing you could have your own a set of monogrammed stationery? Or maybe you’re looking for that extra “something” to add to your hand-made wedding decorations. In this session, Rachel shows how to make your own embossing stamps and use them to print initials or a pretty design onto a greetings card.
Prepare your materials and find a sturdy table or floor to work on.
Video time
30 minutes
- Your design – this could be your initial or a simple image
- A sheet of very thick card with your initial drawn onto it
- Glue gun and glue sticks
- Piece of greaseproof paper with your simple design drawn onto it
- A sheet of paper or card 210gsm - 250gsm to print onto
- Shallow container filled with enough water to immerse your card
- 2 x piece of felt the same size or slightly bigger than the card you’re printing onto
- 1 x pieces of MDF or similar, slightly bigger than the card you’re printing onto
- You and your feet!