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Circle wall hangings

Rosie Johnson, sign writer, illustrator and artist

Join Rosie, a self-taught sign writer, illustrator and artist, in this session inspired by nature and the new year. During this session, you will make a woollen wall hanging using a simple method demonstrated by Rosie. Using minimal materials, she teaches you how to make a lovely, decorative hanging and adorn it with twigs, pom poms and tassels for a unique, colourful decoration for your home.


Find a comfortable space to work at a table or flat surface

Video time

60 minutes

Easy Circular Wall Hangings | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

super easy circle wall hangings made with multicoloured yarn with rosie johnson
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• Wooden tapestry wheels (any size)
• Selection of wool/yarn
• A few strong twigs


• Scissors
• Pom pom kit (or strong card)
• Pencil