Easy batik
Tutor: Rachel Moore, print artist
Join print artist and workshop tutor Rachel as she demonstrates how to use leftover wax from a candle and a plain cotton scarf to create a vibrant accessory. Rachel shares a simplified version of the resist dyeing process called Batik.
Prepare your materials and find a sturdy table or floor to work on.
Video time
30 minutes
- Lightweight natural fabric
- Candle wax
- Tea light warmer or wax burner
- If using a tea light warmer then you’ll also need a heatproof container to keep the wax warm
- Old paintbrush (medium / fine)
- Fabric paint
- Paint brush (large)
- Iron
- Scrap paper
- Something to raise and pull the fabric taut. This could be a picture frame with the back and glass removed and the fabric attached with staples, pins or tacks or an embroidery hoop or two heavy books.