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Decorating with sugar paste

Tutor: Estelle Mann, Accredited Demonstrator for The British Sugarcraft Guild

Join Estelle for a tutorial in how to cover a cake using sugarpaste to achieve a smooth finish ready for decorating.


Have a round cake ready for the demonstration.

Video time

14 minutes

Decorating with sugar paste | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

a close up of a cake covered with green sugar paste and decorated with green orange and yellow sugar paste roses
Play video
  • A standard-sized sponge cake – round is easier than square  
  • Butter cream – (5oz butter, 7oz icing sugar and a drop of lemon juice) or jam  
  • Sugar paste 
  • Icing sugar in a sugar dredger  
  • Rolling pin  
  • Small knife  
  • Optional – cake smoother(s)  
  • Aboard or stand to put your cake on