Concrete plant pots
Tutor: Kim Searle, workshop tutor
Join Kim from DarnIt! Workshops as she shows us how to make our own DIY concrete plant pots. This easy-to-follow tutorial is suitable for craft-y beginners.
When working with concrete and acrylic sealant, Kim recommends wearing an apron, mask, goggles and polythene gloves. Ensure that the room you are working in is well ventilated. Alternatively, you could make your pots outside.
Prepare your materials and find a sturdy table or floor to work on; ensure the room you are working in is well ventilated.
Video time
60 minutes
- Pre-mixed concrete
- Water
- Yoghurt pot or other recycled bowl for mixing
- Moulds made from recycled containers e.g. bottoms of plastic bottles
- Lolly sticks or stirrer
- Table protection
Safety equipment:
- Apron
- Mask
- Plastic gloves
- Goggles
For decoration:
- Making tape
- Acrylic or interior house paint
- Leaf metal and varnish
- Ink stamps and ink pad
- Sponge brush or paint brush
- Acrylic sealant
- Wet and dry sandpaper.