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Collage fodder

Tutor: Rachel Moore, print artist

Join Rachel and explore endless possibilities for making collage fodder, from simple prints through to paper rubbings. Discover its versatility in creating mixed-media artwork, greeting cards, personalised journals, scrapbooks and adding artistic flair to household items.


Prepare your materials and find a sturdy table or floor to work on.

Video time

31 minutes

Collage fodder | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

a pair of black steel scissors resting on a colourful collage
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  • Any type of paper or card. This can include ‘found’ paper such as sheet music and damaged books
  • Household items and recyclables that might make an interesting print
  • Interesting shaped leaves and stencils
  • Very fine sandpaper
  • Magazines
  • Acrylic paint in your choice of colour
  • Scissors
  • Rubber roller (if you have one)