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Cardboard Decoration

Tutor: Rosie Johnson, sign writer, illustrator and artist

Join Rosie, a self-taught sign writer, illustrator and artist, as she shows how to make an attractive hanging decoration from discarded cardboard.


Gather your materials

Video time

60 minutes

Cardboard decoration | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

colourful embellished collage carboard decorations featuring pictures of Frida Kahlo, Dolly Parton and Catherine O'Hara
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  • A cardboard box
  • PVA Glue
  • Bright paints (acrylic or tester emulsion pots are best)
  • Glitter
  • Sequins or sticky gems
  • A black and white photo of family that you don’t mind cutting or of a famous person that inspires you
  • Scissors
  • Paint Brush
  • Any offcuts of ribbon or bright string.
  • Craft knife (not essential)