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Calligraphy with Watercolour

Tutor: Rosie Johnson, sign writer, illustrator and artist

Join Rosie, a self-taught sign writer, illustrator and artist, as she shows how to take hand lettering to the next level with watercolour. Rosie has established two super simple techniques to use watercolour for writing. Have a go or simply enjoy a relaxing watch.


Find yourself a comfortable space at a table or flat surface

Video time

90 minutes

Calligraphy with watercolour | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

multicolour watercolour calligraphy on black card
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  • Any watercolours of your choice (Rosie uses standard and metallic colours)
  • Card or cartridge paper (experiment with a variety of colours e.g. black and craft card
  • A thin paintbrush, preferably a ‘riga’ or ‘pinstriping’ brush (long and thin)