Bamboo dip pen and ink drawing
Tutor: Rachel Moore, print artist
Join print maker, Rachel, for an introduction to the art of bamboo dip pen and ink drawing. In this session, Rachel shares how to make a bamboo dip pen, then works through a series of short exercises using drawing ink and watercolours.
Suitable for beginners or anyone wanting to add to their artistic skills.
Prepare your materials and find a sturdy table or floor to work on.
Video time
31 minutes
- A piece of bamboo cane about the length of a pencil, preferably a piece of old bamboo as it’s easier to carve
- A good sturdy craft knife like a Stanley knife
- Drawing ink or Indian ink in your choice of colour (Rachel uses black for the session)
- 2 x A4 sheets of watercolour paper or very thick cartridge paper that won’t absorb the warmer based paints too quickly
- A medium / large watercolour brush (size 10 or above)
- A set of watercolour paints (tubes or blocks)
- Water pot for washing out brushes
- A cloth or kitchen roll.