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Singing can be a great stress buster, mood enhancer and all-round spirit lifter. Whether you’ve never sung in your life before or are a regular choir member, join us at the Virtual Village Hall to flex those vocal chords! There are singalongs a-plenty to join in with at home. Altogether now!

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Part of Volunteers Week 2020

VE Day singalong

a woman stood up and playing a yellow ukulele

Ukulele singalong

a close up of pink flowers growing in a green bush

Singing with Flowers singalong

a woman singing into a hairbrush in the living room wearing headphones

Sing for fun

a field of red poppies

Remembrance Song

Magic of the musicals singalong

a pink vinyl record player playing a vinyl record with other discs laying next to it on the floor

Fabulous 50s

a hand holding a microphone with a yellow cord coming out of it


a silhouette of a performer singing into a microphone on stage

Seaside Singalong