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Knitting and stitching are timeless skills and wonderful hobbies. Whether you want to knit a scarf, make your own clothes, or try some creative textile crafts, you’ll find sessions to suit all abilities. Our expert tutors include acclaimed stitchers like winners of TV’s Great British Sewing Bee. Why not dust off your needles and start stitching today?

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a green felt spring wreath featuring Easter themed felt decorations

Spring wreath

a black and white border collie dog chewing on a multicoloured pet toy

Upcycled pet toys

a person wearing a yellow winter coat holding a handsewn handwarmer

Heat pads & draught excluders

three red and white mini crochet Christmas stockings lined up on a white background surrounded by Christmas fairy lights

Crochet Christmas stockings

three handmade crochet hot water bottle covers lined up on a wooden table

Crochet hot water bottle

Autumnal items

Sock pumpkins

How to Knit - UK Hand Knitting - Istock 501939568

How to knit

multicoloured metallic and glitter hair scrunchies

Hair scrunchies

a person using an embroidery hoop to cross stitch a pattern

Embroidery hoop

Istock 590181826

Ruffle tote bag

two macrame leaves resting on colourful paper with yellow scissors

Macramé leaves

wooden bobbins with various coloured thread on a dark wooden table

Bobbin crafts

multicoloured yarn tassels on a blue background

Left over yarn

hand sewn vintage tea party bunting against a blue sky backdrop

Vintage tea party bunting

Making Handwarmers Rachel Moore Image (1)

Screen printed hand warmers