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Q&A with Dr. Dean Burnett, author of Emotional Ignorance

Guest: Dr. Dean Burnett, neuroscientist, Guardian Science blogger and best-selling author, with Annabel Morgan from Listening Books

Join neuroscientist, Guardian Science blogger and best-selling author, Dr. Dean Burnett, as he joins Annabel Morgan from Listening Books, the audiobook lending charity, for a fascinating Q&A about the new edition of his book, Emotional Ignorance, published in January 2024. After losing his dad to Covid-19, the neuroscientist went on a journey of discovery into where our emotions come from, what purpose they serve, and why they make us feel the way they do. In this fascinating session, he explains what he found when he put his feelings under the microscope!

Listening Books members can stream and download the audiobook.

Video time

60 minutes

Q+A with Dr Dean Burnett | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

Author Dr Dean Burnett
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