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Feather quill & ink drawings

Tutor: Rachel Moore, print artist

Slow down and explore the art of quill pen sketching in this session with Rachel. Learn how to make your own feather pen and connect with traditional techniques while adding your own creative flair. The combination of fine, delicate lines and happy-accidents from the quill creates a unique and expressive look that you may not have experienced using regular mark-making tools.


Gather materials and clear a space to work.

Video time

30 minutes

Feather quill & ink drawings | Virtual Village Hall | Royal Voluntary Service

Feather Quill illustration a winter tree in black ink on white paper with ink bottle in the background
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  • A medium to large feather, washed and dried
  • A craft knife
  • Drawing ink in your choice of colour
  • 2 x A4 sheets of watercolour paper, very thick cartridge paper or lining wallpaper i.e. any paper that won’t absorb the water-based paints too quickly
  • A medium / large watercolour brush (size 10 or above)
  • A set of watercolour paints (Tubes or blocks are fine. These don’t need to be expensive, a child’s set is perfectly fine Water pot for washing out brushes)
  • Art rag or kitchen roll
  • Resource material – this is what you’ll be sketching. It could be a still life display, a plant, or images from magazines