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Total body strength & tone workout

Tutor: Koen Bouckaert, Personal Trainer and chef (The 500 Calorie Kitchen)

Join Personal Trainer and healthy eating chef, Koen, for a kickstart workout using your own body weight and hand-held weights to strengthen and tone muscles, joints and bones. This workout is designed for overall fitness and well-being to leave you feeling more toned, flexible and energised.


Clear a space free from children, pets and trip hazards where you can workout safely.

Video time

30 minutes

Total Body Strength & Tone Workout with Koen Bouckaert

MHW 23 Total Body Strength And Tone Koen Bouckaert Streamyard Thumbnail 1280X720 (2)
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  • Exercise mat
  • Dumbbells, hand-weights or water bottles/tins
  • Comfortable clothes and trainers
  • Water.

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A young man with brown hair and a dark bear and an older man with white hair and a white beard wearing blue exercise tops arm in arm and celebrating